We all are reluctant towards
accepting changes in life. As for my child, it is more difficult since he has autism.
While bringing him up wasn’t too much of a challenge for me until now, things were
about to change soon.
It was time for his admission
into an autistic children’s school.
In a meeting, a month before
he was due to start school, we were told that it was usual for autistic
children to get cranky when their morning routines before and after joining school
did not coincide.
In order to prepare my child
for school, I started by making small changes in his morning schedule.
As per the designated
counselors at the autistic children’s school my son was due to join, children on
the spectrum find it easier to adapt to a major change in multiple small steps,
than to a single drastic change.
Following this logic, I
started by changing his wake up time to an hour earlier as he would need time
to get ready and have a healthy breakfast before leaving for school.
The second change I made was
a big one.
I slowly introduced visual learning sessions to increase his grasping abilities. This would help him in paying attention and responding well in school.
According to the teachers at the autistic children's school, if students do not develop grasping and
learning capabilities in advance, then sudden changes make them a little
irritated and their interest tends to waver in class.
It was also essential to work
on his social skills before he joined school as he would be learning alongside other
kids, and this could make him uncomfortable.
Hence, in afternoons, I took
him out to the park so that he could play with other kids.
These tips from the
counselors and teachers at the autistic children’s school really helped in
making the transition smooth for my child.
Now, he is comfortably settled
in his new life and with the associated changes.